Frequently Asked Questions
When are classes scheduled?
Classes are scheduled Monday through Friday, throughout the year; each session runs for 10-weeks. There are four sessions each year.
Details, scheduling, and costs of each session will be posted on our website. You can view the current, and upcoming schedules (once they become available) on the "Clubhouse Connections" page.
Details, scheduling, and costs of each session will be posted on our website. You can view the current, and upcoming schedules (once they become available) on the "Clubhouse Connections" page.
When can I register?
Dates for registration will be updated on our website, near the end of each session.
Participants who are currently enrolled in classes, will have the opportunity to re-enroll before registration is open to others. Registration for participants who are not currently enrolled, will be open to the public on set dates before the start dates of the upcoming session.
Participants who are currently enrolled in classes, will have the opportunity to re-enroll before registration is open to others. Registration for participants who are not currently enrolled, will be open to the public on set dates before the start dates of the upcoming session.
How do new participants (not currently enrolled) register for classes?
Participants, Agencies, and Supports who are interested in joining classes with Clubhouse Connections @ CSCO should contact Justine for Registration details. New registrations are accepted during public registration windows only. For more information or to get a copy of the registration form, please email:
[email protected] or call the office 403-253-3454
[email protected] or call the office 403-253-3454